差价合约是复杂的金融工具,基于杠杆的使用对您的资金具有很大风险。 66%的零售投资者账户在此经纪商处交易差价合约(CFDs)时会产生亏损。您应该考虑是否理解差价合约如何运作以及您是否能够承担得起较大的赔钱风险。
Action Required: Password Update
Action Required: Password Setup
To keep your account secure, please set a new password for email login. Going forward, you’ll log in with your email and password instead of your trading account number (TP).
Starting today, you’ll need to log in using your email and a password instead of your TP number. Set your new password now to regain access to your account.
Password Changed
Your password has been updated successfully.